Chad Reed auch betroffen: CBD-Werbung bei AMA-Events verboten

Chad Reed AMA Supercross Arlington / Foto: Feld Entertainment
Cannabidiol (CBD) ist ein kaum psychoaktives Cannabinoid aus dem weiblichen Hanf. Medizinisch wirkt es entkrampfend, entzündungshemmend, angstlösend und gegen Übelkeit. Ungeachtet der medizinischen Wirkung gab die AMA nun bekannt, das Werbung für CBD Produkte auf allen AMA Veranstaltungen verboten ist.
Leidtragende sind Fahrer wie Chad Reed und Dean Wilson, die beide von Sponsoren solcher Produkte unterstützt werden. Beim Letztgenannten ist es kein geringerer als Social Media Legende Dan Bilzerian. Bilzerian´s Marke IGNITE wurde schon beim ersten Lauf in Anaheim auf die schwarze Liste gesetzt. Das Logo musste auf dem Bike und der Bekleidung von Dean Wilson abgedeckt werden.
Nun macht die AMA Nägel mit Köpfen und gab folgendes bekannt:
Due to the ongoing issues arising from CBD Product sponsorships, we are providing the following notice to riders and their teams.
- The law regarding CBD products, including their lawful sale, possession, advertising, and sponsorship of them, is unsettled. Notwithstanding the change in federal law in December 2018, there are no federal regulations in place yet on how these products can be advertised or promoted. CBD and related products are not completely legal in all 50 states. There are various restrictions on their sale and promotion.
- Signage or promotional displays for CBD-related products will not be allowed in the pit areas.
- No rider will be allowed to race with logos or other promotional displays on their person, their uniform, their gear or on their bike.
- The AMA will be enforcing this at inspection points and at any other time a violation is brought to the attention of Feld Motor Sports or the AMA. Riders will be required to cover or remove any logo before being allowed to race. AMA CBD Werbungnd at no time during the event are the display of CBD-related logos permitted. Failure to comply with this will result in a rider being removed from a race or denied entry.
- In addition, sanctions may be applied pursuant to the AMA Supercross rule book for any rider who violates this policy.
- This will remain in effect until further notice.