Justin Bogle ersetzt verletzten Benny Bloss

Am 5. Januar startet die US SX Saison 2019 in Anaheim. Justin Bogle stand bisher als Privateer in den Starterlisten, doch nun bekommt der Amerikaner wohl die Möglichkeit im Rocky Mountain ATV-MC/WPS/KTM Team an den Start gehen zu dürfen.
Der vom Team gesetzte Fahrer, Benny Bloss, hat laut Rocky Mountain ATV-MC / WPS / KTM Pressemeldung eine Kreuzbandverletzung erlitten und fällt so für längere Zeit aus. Bogle übernimmt seinen Platz und wird die 2019er SX Serie für Rocky-Mountain bestreiten.
Original Pressemeldung Rocky Mountain ATV-MC / WPS / KTM:
Team Rocky Mountain ATV/MC – KTM – WPS rider Benny Bloss has unfortunately suffered a knee injury this week that will see him sitting out the entire 2019 Supercross series.
Bloss injured the knee in a practice crash this week, and after having an MRI done it has been discovered that he has a torn ACL that will require surgery to repair. „Benny has been riding and progressing so well, it’s heartbreaking to Benny, his family, and the team. Benny has been with us since being a rookie in the summer of 2016, and 2019 was really ‚the year‘ we were all ready to see what he could do. Really, there isn’t much to say as there are other injured riders too, or ones that have been there. We say it’s not fair, but it’s part of the sport and instead of wishing what could have been, it’s time to just focus ahead, get surgery and put in the hard work to be ready for the 2019 Motocross Nationals“, says team owner Forrest Butler.
Benny Bloss had this to say, „It was the silliest crash and there was nothing spectacular about it, extremely frustrating. I landed off a triple, and just went to the inside to make a new line, nothing crazy. I hit a slick spot and just lost the rear end doing the standard slide out, unfortunately, I had my leg fully committed and it got pinned under the handlebar and the ground. I knew I caught it the at a bad angle, and that’s pretty much end of the story – just the worst possible position I could have slid out in, and now it’s off to get my ACL fixed. I am young though, I have a lot of good people and sponsors behind me, I already have surgery scheduled as of today and have my full vision set on making the start of the Outdoors“.
Though the news is quick to hit, both the team and Bloss really didn’t hesitate to decide on getting the knee fixed right away. Bloss is a strong asset to the team and is very young. Benny will be in attendance next weekend at the season opener in Anaheim to visit with fans and media.
With the unfortunate loss of Bloss before the start of the 2019 Supercross season, the team has been able to secure the services of another top 450 rider. Team Rocky Mountain ATV/MC – KTM – WPS is proud to announce the signing of the 2014 250 East Coast SX Champion, and 2017 450 Budds Creek National Winner – #19 Justin Bogle. Bogle, young himself to the 450 Supercross class in what will only be his 4th year in the premier class, has the team extremely excited to work with the young star.
„As much as it hurts to watch Benny go down, we are a race team and we were very fortunate to get the opportunity to have Justin come in to join the team for the entire SX series. Justin has been a rider I have always been a fan of, I believe has incredible 450 bike skills, and I look forward to seeing what we can build over the course of the season“, says team manager Michael Byrne. The team will see Bogle launch alongside his new teammate Blake Baggett next weekend at the season opener in Anaheim, CA. Bogle will be participating in press day riding on Friday, Jan. 4th, where most media will have a chance to see the #19 on his new KTM 450 SX-F.
Justin Bogle had to say of his new gig, „I am pumped to be able to join the Rocky Mountain ATV/MC – KTM – WPS team. I know it’s last minute, and it’s been a bit of a bumpy offseason, but I really couldn’t be more excited about this opportunity. This team is more than proven, the KTM is arguably the best bike out there and I am again just really excited to throw my leg over the bike and get to work in the coming days. Thank you to all of the sponsors of the Rocky Mountain ATV/MC -KTM – WPS team for having me join the team. And I also want to give a special thanks to all of my personal sponsors for being supportive of me taking this opportunity. I truly thank every one of you. Now it‘ time to go racing!“.
Foto: Suzuki Cycles